Set to 0 if the channel holds the glyph data, 1 if it holds the outline, 2 if it holds the glyph and the outline, 3 if its set to zero, and 4 if its set to one.
The number of pixels from the absolute top of the line to the base of the characters.
Set to 0 if the channel holds the glyph data, 1 if it holds the outline, 2 if it holds the glyph and the outline, 3 if its set to zero, and 4 if its set to one.
Set to 0 if the channel holds the glyph data, 1 if it holds the outline, 2 if it holds the glyph and the outline, 3 if its set to zero, and 4 if its set to one.
This is the distance in pixels between each line of text.
Set to 1 if the monochrome characters have been packed into each of the texture channels. In this case alphaChnl describes what is stored in each channel.
The number of texture pages included in the font.
Set to 0 if the channel holds the glyph data, 1 if it holds the outline, 2 if it holds the glyph and the outline, 3 if its set to zero, and 4 if its set to one.
The height of the texture, normally used to scale the y pos of the character image.
The width of the texture, normally used to scale the x pos of the character image.
This interface defines BMFontCommon.