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The port of the JavaScript versions of three-bmfont-text, layout-bmfont-text, load-bmfont, and word-wrapper to Pure Typescript, this library enables fast text rendering with Three.js and bitmap font.
The difference in rendering speed is noticeable when animations are enabled, and it runs 10x faster than canvas texture based text rendering.

  • Three.js 0.167.1 or later
  • Node.js 20.8.1 or later
$ npm install three-text-geometry
$ pnpm add three-text-geometry
$ yarn add three-text-geometry

For detailed information, read the documentation and check the demo.

The demo is written in TypeScript using React, so you need to check out the repository and build sources to run the demo app. The source code for the demo is available here.

git clone
cd three-text-geometry/demo
corepack enable
pnpm install
pnpm dev

Please refer to the in the demo directory for more details.

  1. Combine Axios and THREE.TextureLoader to load assets asynchronously.
  2. Instantiate TextGeometry using the loaded BMFont and THREE.Texture data.

TextGeometry supports word wrapping, text aligning, letter spacing, kerning. see the list to see how each option works.

import * as THREE from 'three'
import axios from 'axios'
import TextGeometry, { BMFont, BMFontJsonParser, TextGeometryOption, TextAlign } from 'three-text-geometry'

class TextGeometryRenderer extends React.Component {

renderer?: THREE.WebGLRenderer
scene?: THREE.Scene
camera?: THREE.PerspectiveCamera

componentDidMount() {
const fontUri: string =
const textureUri: string =
axios.get(fontUri).then(res => new BMFontJsonParser().parse(, /** Load a font */
new THREE.TextureLoader().loadAsync(textureUri) /** Load a texture */
]).then((values: [BMFont, THREE.Texture]) => {
let font: BMFont
let texture: THREE.Texture
values.forEach((value: BMFont | THREE.Texture) => {
if (value instanceof THREE.Texture) texture = value as THREE.Texture
else font = value as BMFont
this.initScene(font, texture)

initScene(font: BMFont, texture: THREE.Texture) {
/** Renderer */
this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ alpha: true })
this.renderer.setClearColor(0x000000, 0)
this.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)

const container = document.querySelector('#demo')

/** Scene */
this.scene = new THREE.Scene()
this.scene.background = new THREE.Color(0x000000)

/** Camera */
const aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, aspect, 1, 100000), 1000, 2000), 0, 0)

/** Geometry */
const text: string = 'Hollo World.\nHello Universe.' /** The text to layout. Newline characters `\n` will cause line breaks */
const textOption: TextGeometryOption = {
font: font,
align: TextAlign.Left,
width: 1600,
flipY: textures.flipY,
multipage: false
const textGeometry = new TextGeometry(text, textOption)

/** Material */
const textMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: texture,
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
transparent: true,
color: 0x666666,

/** Mesh */
const mesth = new THREE.Mesh(textGeometry, textMaterial)
.translateX(-box.x / 2)
.translateY(-box.y / 2)


updateScene() {

render() {
return <div id='demo'></div>

TextGeometry places text based on the screen coordinate system. Therefore, when THREE.Mesh is added to the scene, the text will be placed inverted when viewed from the positive direction of the Z axis. To make the text visible from the positive z-axis, you need apply transformation.


Parse font data in JSON format

import { BMFontJsonParser } from 'three-text-geometry'
const font: BMFont = new BMFontJsonParser().parse(/** `string` or `object` data JSON format */)

Parse font data in XML format

import { BMFontXMLParser } from 'three-text-geometry'
const font: BMFont = new BMFontXMLParser().parse(/** `string` data in XML format */)

Parse font data in ASCII format

import { BMFontAsciiParser } from 'three-text-geometry'
const font: BMFont = new BMFontAsciiParser().parse(/** `string` data in ASCII format */)

Parse font data in Binary format

import { BMFontBinaryParser } from 'three-text-geometry'
const font: BMFont = new BMFontBinaryParser().parse(/** `string` data in ASCII Binary */)
key type description default required
font BMFont The BMFont definition which holds chars, kernings, etc undefined
width number The desired width of the text box, causes word-wrapping and clipping in WordWrapMode mode. Leave as undefined to remove word-wrapping (default behaviour) undefined
mode WordWrapMode A mode for word-wrapper; can be WordWrapMode.Pre (maintain spacing), or WordWrapMode.NoWrap (collapse whitespace but only break on newline characters), otherwise assumes normal word-wrap behaviour (collapse whitespace, break at width or newlines) undefined
align TextAlign This can be TextAlign.left, or TextAlign.right TextAlign.left
letterSpacing number The letter spacing in pixels 0
lineHeight number The line height in pixels font.common.lineHeight
tabSize number The number of spaces to use in a single tab 4
start number The starting index into the text to layout 0
end number The ending index (exclusive) into the text to layout text.length
flipY boolean Whether the texture will be Y-flipped true
multipage boolean Whether to construct this geometry with an extra buffer containing page IDs. This is necessary for multi-texture fonts false

The following tools can be used to convert fonts to a bitmap font:

Read the Three.js documentation about a bitmap font.

Install msdf-bmfont-xml

$ npm install msdf-bmfont-xml -g

Generate a bitmap font

$ msdf-bmfont \
--output-type json \
--filename 'OdudoMono-Regular-128' \
--font-size 128 \
--texture-size 1024,1024 \
--field-type 'sdf' \

Punycode is released under MIT license, which means you can modify it, redistribute it or use it however you like.